PharoDays 2017
Pharo Days 2017: May 18/19
Mark your calendar: on Thursday 18th & Friday 19th of May we are organising the Pharo Days 2017. This year we moved the location to Lille, France.
Each day has a similar schedule. The morning consists of a handful of twenty minute tech talks, the afternoon is an open pair programming workspace, coding sprint and free demo room.
For the full program, have a look here:
The registration is via this link (even if you are not member of the association). For association members, the reduction will be computed automatically.
The Pharo Days are a two day event with catering included (2 lunches, 1 diner, drinks and snacks).
- € 199 — Regular
- € 149 — For individual Pharo Association Members
- € 89 — For individual Pharo Gold Association Members
- € 89 — For Pharo Consortium Members (1, 2 or 4 for bronze, silver or gold)
- € 39 — Students (including diner)