Mercap Abbaco is a bond calculator for expert investors.Abbacco is a “personal research tool for making intelligent decisions”.
Features include:
- Calculation and comparison for the yield of sovereign and corporate bonds under different market conditions.
- Analysis and comparison of yield by Fixed Income asset class with advanced charts, cash flow and the latest market rates.
- Metrics in a single screen: IRR, Duration, Modified Duration, Convexity, accrued interest and PVBP.
- Option to save favorite bonds and get the payment schedule for them.
Mercap Abbaco uses Pharo for:
- Back end services such as historical quotes and time series of computed financial indicators
- Auth0 integration
- Support of mailing features
- ETL from financial services API
Mercap Abbaco uses libraries like Zinc , Teapot, NeoJSON and Voyage.
"Pharo provides a strong foundation for deploying this kind of services on the cloud." said G. Cotelli lead architect.
22 September 2018