Pharo News
[ANN] Pharo accepted at GSoC
Exciting News: Pharo Consortium in Google Summer of Code 2025! 🌍✨We’re thrilled to announce that the Pharo Consortium has been selected to participate in this year's Google Summer of Code 2025 edition!We can’t wait to collaborate with amazing students from around the globe. Get ready for a summer of innovation, learning, and fun! Let’s make great things happen together!👉 For all the details, pl...11 March 2025
Pharo News on Social Media
We are now here:Mastodon: @[email protected]: pharoproject.bsky.socialPharo on Facebook on LinkedIn18 February 2025
[ANN] GSoC 2025
Info: Google Summer of CodeGoogle Summer of Code (GSoC) is an initiative for student/beginner coders to contribute to open-source projects.Organizations propose projects (like us).Google selects some organizations.Participants apply for projects.If selected, Google pays the student for their work and the organization for mentoring.To be selected, we need a good list of ideas/projects where exte...30 January 2025
[ANN] New VM Release v10.3.3
We’ve published a new VM release (v10.3.3) to be used with Pharo versions 10 through 13. 10.3.3 includes all changes in 10.3.2 (that was rolled back) plus several improvements.Improves the naming schema of built artifacts to differentiate releases from intermediate/nightly builds.Is built on the old file server (that we recovered!) to support compatibility with older GLibC versions.Builds and r...21 January 2025
[Ann] Book released "Application Building with Spec 2.0"
Spec is the default UI building framework for Pharo. With Spec, developers focus on user interaction and widget layout. Spec is built around the Model View Presenter pattern. Presenters are responsible for defining the interaction logic of the application. They enforce the interaction of their sub-elements as well as domain objects.With Spec, existing presenters or even complete UI’s are reused...16 November 2024
[Ann] v10.4.0 pillar
We’re excited to announce the release of Pillar v10.4.1! 🎉 Release NotesUses Microdown V2.7.1: introduces new elements to support Foliage and web generation. It improves the document checker. Now the following analyses are reported: duplicated anchors, references to unexisting anchors, unreferenced figures, missing figure files, and missing input files. Microdown v2.7.1 Release NotesCleaned arc...15 November 2024
[ANN] Server update
We would like to inform you that we are currently setting up a new server to host Pharo files. Indeed, our current server reached its maximal storage capacity (500 GB) and we need to move it to another provider. The Pharo file server is used:to publish new Pharo images and Virtual machines,host Pharo Launcher files,deliver Pharo images and Virtual machines for Pharo Launcher and zero-conf scripts,8 November 2024
[ANN] Pharo Launcher 3.2 released
Pharo Launcher 3.2 has just been released! It is available from Launcher now comes with a command-line version that you can use from a terminal! You can check the documentation of commands as well as instructions to make pharo-launcher available on the command line.This nice feature is now available thanks to the contributions of Axel Marlard, David Bajger and I...11 July 2024
[ANN] isLoop 2024 Summer School 5-9 August
International School on Live Object-Oriented Programming 5-9 August 2024 - Montpellier, France.We are happy to announce that once again, Pharo Consortium is organizing an international cost-free summer school on live object-oriented programming. You will learn about the key mechanisms and the essence of live programming and object-oriented design. Whether you are a beginner or an expert program...25 June 2024
[ANN] Pharo VM v10.2.1
Prepare release 10.2.1 by @guillep in pharo-vm#773Constant conversion warning by @guillep in pharo-vm#777Fix tautological-pointer-compare warnings by @guillep in pharo-vm#775Removed Cogit>>#voidNSSendCache: by @jordanmontt in pharo-vm#776Re-enable incompatible-function-pointer-types warning by @guillep in pharo-vm#778Removed unused functions from the C written by hand by @jordanmontt in pharo-v...14 June 2024
[ANN] New MOOC "Advanced object oriented design and development with Pharo"
Get ready for a new #MOOC "Advanced Object-Oriented Design"!Understand the key mechanisms and the essence of OOD. You will find:Videos to explain main conceptsQuizzes and exercisesLectures<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-med...7 June 2024
Pharo 12 Released!
Dear Pharo users and dynamic language lovers:We have released Pharo version 12!Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.Simple & powerful language: No constructors, no types declaration, no interfaces, no primitive types. Yet a powerful and elegant language with a full syntax fitting in one postcard! Pharo is ob...26 April 2024
[Pharo 12] will enter feature freeze on March 1st
The development of Pharo 12 will enter in feature freeze on March 1st and we plan to have at least one month of stabilization (but we will release when we are ready, in April).14 February 2024
[Book] Testing in Pharo - 2023 Edition
Testing in Pharo present in depth how write tests in Pharo. It presents the SUnit frameworks, its core features as well as some extensions such as example-driven tests or simple mocks. It presents Parasol a framework to support web testing on top of selenium as well as the Xtreme Test-Driven Development: a Killer feature of Pharo developing flow.Book Homepage: February 2024
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Bronze Member ApptiveGrid
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ApptiveGrid GmbH has joined the Consortium as a Bronze Member.ApptiveGrid is a SaaS tool to digitalize and automatize business processes.ApptiveGrid is a visual database that lets you effortlessly create and modify your data models through a web frontend, seamlessly integrates with REST API for external access, and features a dynamic form crea...13 December 2023
Pharo 2023 Summer School
We are happy to announce that once again, Pharo Consortium is organizing an international cost-free summer school for Students.Places are limited! The deadline for applications is July 15, 2023. https://newcomers.pharo.org11 July 2023
Pharo 11 Released!
Dear Pharo users and dynamic language lovers:We have released Pharo version 11!Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.Simple & powerful language: No constructors, no types declaration, no interfaces, no primitive types. Yet a powerful and elegant language with a full syntax fitting in one postcard! Pharo is ob...10 May 2023
[Call for Students] Google Summer of Code 2023
Dear students,We are happy to announce that once again, Pharo Consortium is looking for smart and enthusiastic students to work with us during Google Summer of Code 2023.The application period is March 20, 18:00 UTC - April 4, 18:00 UTC.An explanation of the program requirements and a detailed description of the application process can be found at https://gsoc.pharo.org23 March 2023
[ANN] Ephemerons in Pharo11
For those that may not be following the day-to-day development, you may be interested in that Ephemeron support is now enabled in Pharo 11 for one week or so (VM version 10.0.0, Image build 627).To get the latest version:ZeroConf works out of the boxYou must update your VMs in the pharo launcherAbout compatibility:old images will run on both the old and latest VMsnew images will only run on the...21 March 2023
[ANN] VM Version 10.0.0 Release
We have released a new version of the Pharo VM for Pharo 11. This VM is accessible right now from Zero-Conf, updating it in the Pharo Launcher or using the usual downloads (as described in OBS packages are still in work and will come later.This is the new VM that will be stable for Pharo 11 release, it is also compatible with Pharo 10 images but it is not the default for Ph...3 March 2023
Pharo accepted to Google Summer of Code 2023
We are happy to announce that we got accepted for this year Google Summer of Code!Website of Pharo organisation: what to work on on our gsoc pageGoogle main summerofcode website February 2023
Videos ESUG 2022
The videos of the ESUG 2022 talks are now online.ESUG 2022 maintrack: youtube playlistShow us your Project youtube playlist14 February 2023
Weekly ChangeLog Archive
We are posting a weekly changelog to the Dev MailinglistThese logs are now archived on github.For example, see the 5th for 2023 here.9 February 2023
Pharo on Mastodon
Besides the Pharo twitter @pharoproject we are on mastodon, since 2018:@[email protected](this is for now a bot that reposts the twitter account)7 February 2023
Call for project ideas Google Summer of Code
As Pharo community we are postulating to Google Summer of Code 2023. We would like to have new brand ideas for this new edition! We would like to know if there are people in the community that have some cool project ideas :)If you have an idea.s, don’t hesitate to share it/them with us. If you have an idea but you don’t have the time to be a mentor for it, it is not a problem! We can find other...2 February 2023
Pharo Website source now on GitHub
In 2022, we moved the Pharo Website to a new setup: it is now generated from static files (still using Pharo)This means that you can now:Submit issues if you find typos or have suggestionsDo PRs to suggest news entries (this entry started as a PR)update links that are out of dateall via github: add an issue, do Pull Requests: February 2023
[ANN] Pharo Launcher 3.0 released!
Pharo Launcher 3.0 has just been released! It is available from is based on latest Spec2 and Pharo 10 image.It now comes with a native Apple Silicon version and Mac OS packages are notarized.Big thanks to all contributors, including issue reports.For the change log, see here14 April 2022
Pharo 10 Released!
Dear Pharo users and dynamic language lovers:We have released Pharo version 10 !Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.Pharo 10 was a short iteration where we focused mainly on stability and enhancement of the environment :Massive system cleanup: gained speed, removed dead code, removed old/deprecated framewo...5 April 2022
The day before the PharoDays 2022 (March 2, 2022), we organize a free, public Workshop about using Pharo in practice.See note: Registration is Mandatory and places are limited.15 February 2022
[JOB] Internship at CIRAD
CIRAD has a 8 month payed student internship:We offer a grant to work on Pharo at Cirad in the SENS research unit ( So we are looking for a Master student to work for 6 or 8 months on Cormas, a simulation platform (see here for our presentation at ESUG). The title of this internship is "Participatory simulation of renewable resource management in hybrid environments" (see a...14 February 2022
Pharo GSoC 2022 call for projects
Hello to all,We, as the Pharo organization, are applying to the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2022 version.From GSoC Page: "Google Summer of Code is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC Contributors work with an open-source organization on a 12+ week programming project under the guidance of mentors." More info: https://summero...10 February 2022
March 3rd and 4th, Lille, France are open!Do not miss the opportunity to meet the Pharo programming environment and its community! PharoDays is a unique event where you can meet other Pharoers, discover the latest advances, and share your experience. Hand-ons sessions are there to help you getting started on advanced topics. Follow the "Show us your project" s...8 February 2022
New Book
The book "Agile Visualization with Pharo: Crafting Interactive Visual Support Using Roassal" has been release!Order at amazon, Springer Online or your local bookstore.9 December 2021
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the LIENSs Laboratory of the Université La Rochelle has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutLaboratoire LIENS: https://lienss.univ-larochelle.frPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo. Individuals can...9 December 2021
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Lviv University has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutFaculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing deve...30 November 2021
Book the dates
We are happy to announce the next Pharo Days:Pharo Days 2022 will be held at Lille 3/4 March 2022.More details soon!29 November 2021
Pharo 9 Released!
Dear World and dynamic language lovers:Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.Full redesign of the Spec UI framework (new logic, application, style, GTK3 back-end)New tools:new playground,new object centric inspector,new object centric debugger.better and new Refactoringsclass comments are now written in Micr...13 July 2021
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the DGtal Aqua Lab has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutDGtal Aqua Lab: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and futu...12 July 2021
[ANN] Google Summer of Code 2021
We are happy to announce that once again, Pharo Consortium is looking for smart and enthusiastic students to work with us during Google Summer of Code 2021!The application period is March 29, 18:00 UTC - April 13, 18:00 UTC.For more information, see April 2021
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutJet Propulsion Laboratory: https://www.jpl.nasa.govPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via...7 October 2020
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Gold Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that InfOil has joined the Consortium as a Gold Member.InfOil is an Argentinian company focused on software development for the Oil and Gas industry with clients in Latin America, Cuba, and Canada.AboutInfOil: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions...1 October 2020
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that DISP Lab has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutLaboratoire DISP: https://disp-lab.frPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association28 September 2020
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Ryerson University has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutRyerson University: https://www.ryerson.caPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association5 June 2020
[ANN] Next Pharo Sprint
We will organize a Pharo sprint / Moose dojo March 27Goals of this sprint:Fix issues from tracker This is a Remote Sprint, it happens on Discord. have added a Board to coordinate the work hereA list of all Pharo Event of the year an be found here: March 2020
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter March 2020
The Pharo Newsletter March 2020 has been sent to subscribers last week: get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here23 March 2020
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter February 2020
The Pharo Newsletter February 2020 has been sent to subscribers this week: get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here7 February 2020
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ÉTS Montréal has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutÉTS Montréal: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association24 January 2020
Pharo 8.0 Released!
Dear World and dynamic language lovers:The time has come for Pharo 8.0!Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.Here are the key highlights of this release:The 64-bit version has become the recommended version for Windows as it was for Unix and OSX.Iceberg, the git client for Pharo, reached its version 1.6.5 wi...20 January 2020
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter January 2020
The Pharo Newsletter January 2020 has been sent to subscribers this week: get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here13 January 2020
Pharo TechTalks first half of 2020
We organize Pharo Tech Talks every last Thursday of the month. They happen on Discord, often with a Demo on youtube.Next Talks for 2020:January 23: 20 19 23 28 1813 January 2020
Pharo Sprints first half 2020
We organise one Pharo “Sprint” per month were we meet to work on boring issue tracker entries together.Goals of the next sprints:Fix issues for Pharo8Backport important fixes to Pharo7Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we will try to synchronize local and remote Pharo sprinters. In the past people organised local sprints at the same time (e.g. Santiago/Chile). See here for...6 January 2020
Recording Pharo TechTalk December
The recording for the Pharo TechTalk of December is online.Topic: Working with Spec2 and GTKRecording of the tech talk is available on youtube20 December 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter December 2019
The Pharo Newsletter December 2019 has been sent to subscribers this week: get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here20 December 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Université de Maroua has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutUniversité de Maroua: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Ass...12 November 2019
Recording Pharo TechTalk October
The recording for the Pharo TechTalk of October is online.Topic: Headless VMRecording of the tech talk is available on youtube7 November 2019
Smalltalk WebCamp
Date: Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 (9h30 -> 18h00)Location: Yesplan offices in Gent, Belgium.This is an un-conference: everyone is invited to actively participate by presenting their project. Come and share your web development experience with Smalltalk.Wether you are doing Seaside, Teapot, PharoJS, Amber, SqueakJs, Zinc REST, … or anything else that involves Smalltalk and web technologies: come ...24 September 2019
[ANN] PolyMath 1.0
We are happy to announce the release of PolyMath 1.0, the computational framework for Pharo.Please find more information about the project here: of modifications is available hereYou can install the 1.0 version in a fresh Pharo 7.0 with the following code snippet:Metacello new repository: 'github://PolyMathOrg/PolyMath:v1.0/src'; baseline: 'PolyM...23 August 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Bronze Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the Object Guild has joined the Consortium as a Bronze Member.Object Guild. Simply Revolutionary.High fidelity software solutions for values-driven organisations. We help you to help the world become a better place.Object Guild differentiates itself as a custom software design and development shop in the following ways:by a commitment to use t...22 August 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter August 2019
The Pharo Newsletter August 2019 has been sent to subscribers one week ago. get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here21 August 2019
[ANN] Pharo 7.0.4
Pharo 7.0.4 has been released!Releasenotes and list of changes can be found on GitHubis now the default download for Pharo 719 August 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter July 2019
The Pharo Newsletter July 2019 has been sent to subscribers one week ago. get it as soon as it is released, please subscribe here27 July 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter June 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for June 2019 was send to subscribers. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter to get it as soon as it is released here15 July 2019
ESUG Innovation Technology Awards Call
Developers are invited to submit their Smalltalk-related project to the 16th edition of the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards. The top 3 teams with the most innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros.Submit now!Instructions are available at: information about ESUG19 in general: July 2019
Pharo TechTalk July 18th
A regular chat about Pharo. Happens on Discord.Topic: How to report and fix bugs for Pharo. In a live coding session, we will together have a look at some simple fixes for Pharo8 and learn how to report bugs and do Pull Requests.We will send an information to all subscribers of this event some hours before the talk starts.Or just hangout in Discord, we post everything there, toohttps://associat...11 July 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that IngenierĂa de Sistemas, Universidad CatĂłlica Boliviana - Cochabamba has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutIngenierĂa de Sistemas, Universidad CatĂłlica Boliviana - Cochabamba Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support th...1 July 2019
We will organize a Pharo sprint / Moose dojo June 28, starting at 10:00am. (Local Time Paris).Goals of this sprint:Pharo 8: Fix issues from tracker Sprint: Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we synchronize local and remote Pharo sprinters have added a Board to coordinate the work: https:/...24 June 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter May 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for May 2019 was send to subscribers (a bit late). It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter to get it as soon as it is released here13 June 2019
ESUG 2019 Call For Presentations
The ESUG board is pleased to announce that the 27th ESUG conference/summer-school will be held in Cologne, Germany 26-30 August 2019; with Camp Smalltalk 24-25 August 2019. The conference is co-organized by ZWEIDENKER.Check the Call for presentations LinkCheck the International Workshop on Smalltalk technology CFP LinkCall for Student Volunteers LinkRegistration is open! June 2019
Pharo Sprints second half 2019
We organise one Pharo “Sprint” per month were we meet to work on boring issue tracker entries together.Goals of the next sprints:Fix issues for Pharo8 (see the issue tracker)Backport important fixes to Pharo7Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we will try to synchronize local and remote Pharo sprinters. In the past people organised local sprints at the same time (e.g. Santi...5 June 2019
Pharo TechTalks 2019
We organize Pharo Tech Talks every last Thursday of the month. They happen on Discord, often with a Demo on youtube.Next Talks 2019:20 June 2019: : Pharo TechTalk: TBA, Link18 July 2019: : Pharo TechTalk: TBA, Link19 Sept 2019: Pharo TechTalk: Spec, Link17 Oct 2019: Pharo TechTalk: GTK, Link21 Nov 2019: Pharo TechTalk: TBA, Link19 Dec 2019: Pharo TechTalk: TBA, LinkArchive of past techtal...28 May 2019
[GSoC] Blog Posts of Week 2
This week’s blog posts from Google Summer of Code students. Please give them your feedback.Atharva Khare, GSoC Community Bonding period: Exploring DataFrame, PolyMath and RoassalNikhil Pinnaparaju, Architecture Design For an NLP LibraryDayne Lorena Guerra Calle, Tests analysis in Pharo with DrTestsEvelyn Cusi Lopez, Better and more refactorings for Pharo-Part 2Nina Medić, Exploring PharoSecondWeek.html)21 May 2019
[GSoC] Student Introductions
Google Summer of Code 2019 has officially started with its community bonding period. Pharo Consortium has accepted 7 students from 4 different countries to participate in this year’s GSoC.Every week our students will publish blog posts to announce and document their progress. In this first week, we asked students to introduce themselves, tell us a little about their background and the projects ...21 May 2019
Slides PharoDays 2019
The Slides for PharoDays 2019 are now online:Pharo 7.0 and 8.0 alpha SlideShare ,PDFSpec 2.0: The next step on desktop UI SlideShare, PDFThe Glamorous Toolkit: Slides MissingPharo IoT: Installation Improvements and Continuous Integration SlideShare, PDFEasy REST with OpenAPI SlideShare, PDFYesplan: 10 Years of "develop in Pharo, deploy in Gemstone" SlideShare, PDFApart Framework: Porting from V...14 May 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ISCLab has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutISCLab: Intelligent Software Construction Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, FCFM, University of Chile. The ISCLab develops methodologies to build software systems that are both resource efficient (CPU, memory, energy) and adequate with modern software development techniques....2 May 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that LIFIA has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutLIFIA is a Research Center based at the Faculty of Informatics of the National University of La Plata, in Argentina. It is an associated center to the Scientific Research Commission of the Buenos Aires Province (CIC-PBA). LIFIA pioneered the use of OOP (and Smalltalk in particular) in ...29 April 2019
[ANN] Pharo Newsletter April 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for April 2019 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter to get it as soon as it is released here9 April 2019
[ANN] Pharo MOOC
If you are either a beginner or an expert in object-oriented programming, this MOOC will change the way you program with objects: come and learn or rediscover object-oriented programming with Pharo!A new session starts on May 6th. More information here8 April 2019
[ANN] Digital Innovation Workshop - Lavigny/Switzerland
The workshop sadly was cancelled Let’s learn together! As an entrepreneur and innovator in the healthcare space, the event organizer Dominique Pahud has been looking for programing languages that have key functionality tied to trust including data immutability, data provenance, data coupling and decoupling which are really important for most healthcare applications including the associated anal...29 March 2019
Issue Tracker
We added some bots to the pharo GitHub repositoryWork In ProgressPrevent merging of Pull Requests with "WIP" in the title ResponseCloses Issues where the author hasn't responded to a request for more informationIf the tag more-information-needed is set and no answer provided, issue is closed in 14 days. Info Request...21 March 2019
Pharo Newsletter March 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for March 2019 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter here11 March 2019
Call for Mentors
Hello Pharo-ers !On behalf of the community, I would like to thank each one of you for their significant contribution which has led to our organisation being selected in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) yet again: the students start proposing projects and submitting proposals, I would like to invite all the experienced member...5 March 2019
Call for Students Google Summer of Code 2019
Dear students,We are happy to announce that once again Pharo Consortium is looking for smart and enthusiastic students to work with us during Google Summer of Code 2019.We explain the program requirements and provide a detailed description of the application process here: you have any additional questions, feel free to send an email to olk.zaytsev@gmail....5 March 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that CIRAD has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutCIRAD, the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individ...5 March 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that the USTH University of Science and Technology of Hanoi has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutUSTH University of Science and Technology of Hanoi: Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of ...4 March 2019
Remember to register to Pharo days 2019
Pharo days registration is open since two weeks now, and we are starting to work on the schedule and organising the social event :)Register now!Pharo days is a gathering of the Pharo community to exchange, discuss and code with your online colleagues. Join us to share your experiences and help to make a better Pharo!To register, please proceed to the Pharo Days 2019 web page: March 2019
[ANN] Google Summer of Code 2019
The Pharo Consortium has been selected this year as a Google Summer of Code 2019 mentor organization. This is the first time since 2017.I would like to thank other GSOC co-admin Jigyasa Grover and Oleksandr Zaytsev for their commitment and hard work, Peter Uhnak for his help for the website, Alexandre Bergel, Yuriy Tymchuk, Serge Stinckwich and Stéphane Ducasse for their interactions.We will pr...28 February 2019
Pharo Newsletter February 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for January 2019 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter here28 February 2019
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Academic Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that TecnolĂłgico de Monterrey in Guadalajara has joined the Consortium as an Academic Member.AboutTecnolĂłgico de Monterrey in Guadalajara: http://www.gda.itesm.mxPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can ...21 February 2019
Pharo Newsletter January 2019
The Pharo Newsletter for January 2019 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter here15 February 2019
[ANN] Registration for Pharo Days 2019 open!
Registration for Pharo Days 2019 is now open!Pharo days is a gathering of the Pharo community to exchange, discuss and code with your online colleagues. Join us to share your experiences and help to make a better Pharo!To register, please proceed to the Pharo Days 2019 web page:, or go directly to the association event.(Yes, the schedule is still to be defined, s...12 February 2019
Pharo Sprints first half 2019
We organise one Pharo “Sprint” per month were we meet to work on boring issue tracker entries together.Goals of the next sprints:Fix issues for Pharo8Backport important fixes to Pharo7Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we will try to synchronize local and remote Pharo sprinters. In the past people organised local sprints at the same time (e.g. Santiago/Chile). See here for...5 February 2019
Pharo 7.0 released
Dear World and dynamic language lovers:The time has come for Pharo 7.0!Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback.This is our most significant release yet.Here are the key highlights of this release:Pharo is now provided in 64-bit version in Linux and OSX and brings even better performance and stability. The 64-b...22 January 2019
[Save The Date] Pharo Days 2019
Dear members of the Pharo community,We are happy to announce that we will be organising Pharo Days this year, in Lille, France. This will be a two day event: Thursday April 4 & Friday April 5. The main venue will be the Amphitheatre of INRIA Lille - Nord Europe.Each day will consist of a number of short 20 to 30 minutes tech talks in the morning, with a more free format in the afternoon: genera...21 January 2019
Lecture Vietnam
Where: College of Informatic and Technology, Can Tho University, VietnamWhen: from January 7th to 11th, 2019Access to the lecture is free but you need to register herePharo is a new generation reflective language and programming environment. In this lecture we will present Pharo: its elegant syntax fitting in a postcard, its pure object model. We will show that we can create a full REST server ...18 December 2018
Pharo Newsletter December 2018
The Pharo Newsletter for December 2018 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter mail here11 December 2018
Video PharoIoT Hackathon 2018
We made a short video about the PharoIoT Hackthon in Cologne:<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>19 November 2018
Newsletter November 2018
The Pharo Newsletter for November 2018 was send to subscribers last week. It is now available online: all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter mail here13 November 2018
[ANN] Pharo v7.0.0-rc1 released!
This is the first step to release a definitive version, and while we will continue integrating bug fixes, API change Pull Requests will be delayed until the open of Pharo 8.0.0 development. Now, you would wonder what the ChangeLog of this release is… and answer is we still do not have one (btw, we should find a way to automate this).Anyway… we are very close to release now :)Please download the...12 November 2018
Three New Success Stories
Three more Success Stories have been published recently:Mobility Map: a broker for mobility services Handling Travel Expenses Abbaco: a bond calculator a complete list, see October 2018
Pharo Newsletter October 2018
The Pharo Newsletter for October 2018 is available here.Find all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter mail here4 October 2018
IoT Hackathon 2018 | PharoThings
Join the IoT Hackathon on 19th of October 2018 in Cologne. In a hands-on-session, you will learn initial steps to develop with the PharoThings IoT Environment. Software engineers from Inria's RMoD, the French National Institute for computer science, will be present and like to take your feedback.Agenda:09:30 The hackathon starts with continental breakfast.10:00 Hands-on-session and tutorial wi...3 October 2018
Pharo Newsletter September 2018
The Pharo Newsletter for September 2018 is available here.Find all the older newsletters in the archive: can subscribe to get the newsletter mail here26 September 2018
[ANN] Pharo Consortium upgrade to Platinum
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ZWEIDENKER has ugraded to be a Platinum member.AboutZWEIDENKER: http://zweidenker.dePharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association25 September 2018
[ANN] New Consortium Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that Spesenfuchs has joined the Consortium as a Bronze Member.AboutSpesenfuchs: http://spesenfuchs.dePharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association24 September 2018
[ANN] Consortium
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that three academic institutions have joined the consortium:University of Yaoundé 1: http://www.uy1.uninet.cmSoftware Quality Laboratory, Part of University of Novi Sad: Ecole Nationale d'ingénieurs de Tarbes: http://www.enit.frThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the on...5 July 2018
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Platinum Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that ENSTA Bretagne has joined the Consortium as a Platinum Member.AboutENSTA Bretagne: http://www.ensta-bretagne.frPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association:http://...14 February 2018
TechTalk Dates first half 2018
Here are the next dates for the Pharo Techtalks.Jan 30: Pharo TechTalk: Genetic Algorithms LinkFeb 15: Contributing to Pharo 7 Link For the others we have no topic yet, but dates are pre-fixed to:March 22 LinkApril 12 LinkMay 17 LinkJune 14 LinkWe are looking for topics!If you have ideas for topics, please tell us!With no topic, we will use this slot for a general free discussion.If you want to...19 January 2018
Pharo Sprints first half 2018
We organise one Pharo “Sprint” per month were we meet to work on boring issue tracker entries together.Goals of the next sprints:Fix issues for Pharo7Backport important fixes to Pharo6Clean issue tracker to prepare for release Pharo7Remotely, you can join us on Discord. During the sprint, we will try to synchronize local and remote Pharo sprinters. In the past people organised local sprints at ...19 January 2018
Google Summer of Code 2018
On behalf of the community, I would like to thank each one of you for their significant contribution in the previously concluded Google Summer of Code 2017 with Pharo Consortium. We aspire to take-off on a long flight after this successful stint by applying to participate in the upcoming Google Summer of Code 2018.As many of you might know, Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on b...12 January 2018
[ANN] Gemtalk Systems upgraded to Gold Membership
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that Gemtalk Systems has upgraded to Gold Member status.AboutGemtalk Systems: https://gemtalksystems.comPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association22 December 2017
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Bronze Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that Object Profile has joined the Consortium as a Bronze Member.AboutObject Profile: http://objectprofile.comPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association21 December 2017
Video Google Summer of Code
This year, Pharo was part of the Google Summer of Code. The Stundents have posted videos showing the results:Advancing in Pharo Code Quality Support by Myroslava LinkImproving FastTable and extending its possibilities by Elhamer LinkPharo DataFrame by Oleksandr Zaytsev LinkEnhance Pharo Command Line Interface by Rajula Vineet Reddy LinkImproving the VM Profiler by Sophie Kaleba LinkPlaylist wi...2 October 2017
A while back our team presented Quuve [1], a customizable investment management ecosystem for professional investors. We also discussed the technologies employed to build it [2] (it is developed on Pharo and deployed on GemStone). We are reaching out again because we recently revamped our website [3] and created a number of promotional videos that demonstrate Quuve's power [4]. We would appreci...21 August 2017
Pharo 6.1 released
We are releasing Pharo 6.1. Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the fixes applied required a new VM. The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, bringing it to macOS 64bits version.So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes:running on macOS...24 July 2017
Free Ephemeric Cloud for Association Members
Members of the Pharo Association now have access to the Pharo Ephemeric Cloud.More infos: the Pharo Association here: https://association.pharo.org19 July 2017
Videos, Slides and Photos PharoDays17
PharoDays happened May 18/19. Two days of talks about Pharo, Demos, Discussions and a nice Conference Diner.PhotosFull program: recorded all talks and they are online now!Videos: PlayList on youtubeSlides:Slideshare: download: you missed PharoDays this yea...6 July 2017
[ANN] P3, a modern, lean and mean PostgreSQL client for Pharo
P3 is a modern, lean and mean PostgreSQL client for Pharo.P3Client uses frontend/backend protocol 3.0 (PostgreSQL version 7.4 [2003] and later), implementing the simple query cycle. It supports plaintext and md5 password authentication as well as SSL connections. When SQL queries return row data, incoming data is efficiently converted to objects. P3Client supports most common PostgreSQL types.With P3...29 June 2017
[ANN] PharoCloud focuses on Ephemeric Cloud
Mike announced some news about is not closing, but just dropping VM hosting support. We will continue to develop and maintain Ephemeric Cloud which allows you to publish Pharo web applications online much easier than any other VM hosting can offer. In some way PharoCloud just becomes more "cloudy" by dropping outdated technologies off :)Our plan is to make the p...13 June 2017
[ANN] DataStudio
DataStudio is an interactive graphical environment for software and data manipulation. Expressive and interactive visualizations are built without any programming knowledge. Domain elements are imported and visualized. The visualization is crafted by mapping metrics and properties to visual dimensions (width, height, color).DataStudio is built on top of Roassal, an expressive library written in...12 June 2017
[ANN] Pharo Consortium New Bronze Member
The Pharo Consortium is very happy to announce that Palantir Solutions has joined the Consortium as a Bronze Member.AboutPalantir Solutions: https://www.petrovr.comPharo Consortium: http://consortium.pharo.orgThe goal of the Pharo Consortium is to allow companies and institutions to support the ongoing development and future of Pharo.Individuals can support Pharo via the Pharo Association:http://...6 June 2017
PharoDays 2017
Mark your calendar: on Thursday 18th & Friday 19th of May we are organising the Pharo Days 2017. This year we moved the location to Lille, France.Each day has a similar schedule. The morning consists of a handful of twenty minute tech talks, the afternoon is an open pair programming workspace, coding sprint and free demo room.For the full program, have a look here: The reg...2 May 2017
Success Story
iPOS, integrated Points Of Sales, is a complete integrated solution to manage points of sales. iPOS is a very flexible and adaptable to various operational needs to answer at the different customer requirements.With iPOS you can manage orders using mobile devices connected via wifi, select the products according to functional classification considered the most useful (for the restaurant: drinks...20 April 2017
GSoC Student Deadline
Students can submit their poposals till April 3!More information:https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com March 2017