Sirop is a publish & search web platform for scientific projects (Master, Bachelor, PhD, etc.). It has more than 6000 registered users (Scientists & students) and several thousand unregistered public users (Students)

  • It has extended and simple search interfaces. User can save his search queries and create RSS/XHTML/XML-Feeds.

– It supports I18n for GUI and data objects. All content from the user can be multy-language. – Free form user data objects. The user can define the structure of his published information. – Workflow & todo management for users – Email notifications & mass email handling – Landing pages management. Admins can install predefined search results for landing pages. – Sophisticated user permission framework. Each user carries „badges“, which can allow/deny an action – Internal Smalltalk based search optimisation (No SQL database, no external search indexer) – Lots of complex user interfaces (Seaside components) – User friendly multistep wizards (e.g. for publishing process). Temporary work is being stored as draft automatically. – Separated comprehensive backend UI for admins

12 September 2014
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