
Synectique is a company founded in 2013. The company proposes innovative solutions to understand and maintain software, and manage software quality. Synectique, harnessing the power of meta-tools and more than 35 years of experience offers tools specifically adapted for clients' needs of software analysis and enable decision. Inventive Toolkit, Synectique solution, integrates several tools for software analysis: dashboard with key indicators, duplication detection, impact analysis, reverse engineering legacy applications, control over fine-grained software evolution, dedicated rules, and developer comprehension tools. Inventive Toolkit’s extendable engines (parser, tool builder, visualization, meta modeling, metric generators...) allow Synectique to deliver new analyses to cover any company-specific customizations. Inventive Toolkit is already deployed and used by prestigious clients: Generali-FR and Generali-BE (insurance), ATOS (consulting) and Thales (military).

"Pharo provides the enabling technology for Synectique solutions. Specifically, Moose with its software analysis engines for parser, meta-models for software artifacts, browsers, and visualizations make it possible to propose adapted and customized solutions. The technologies in Pharo provide an excellent leverage to prototype a software analysis solution for a new language from the ground up in a matter of a few weeks. Once software information identified and represented, award-winning technologies in Pharo provide vehicles to express user interfaces, which show pertinent information for decision-making. From the language point of view, pure object-orientation, testing frameworks, full-stack debugger, object inspector, reflection facilities, and other innovative features make it first choice development platform for developer productivity and quality software development." - Synectique CTO, Usman Bhatti

12 September 2014
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